Three Thoughts

Three Thoughts

1)  STRAP IT IN!  I went to the grocery store and watched a woman as she searched frantically for her missing purse.  She had turned her back to pick out some produce and when she turned around, her purse was gone.  Some one was watching and patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity.  All the woman in our family strap it in.  Wrap the seatbelt around your handles several times and click it in.  Face it.  Your purse IS one of your babies!


Public bathrooms….Blech. Especially with little kids. It seems like even with the toilet seat cover, your children’s legs or underpants are touching something…..unpleasant.  By simply folding the central piece of the paper cover out and over the front of the toilet, instead of in the bowl, you can change the germ situation by a mile.


so this…

doesn’t get in this.  Did you know that if you cover ice cream with tin foil instead of plastic, the ice clings to the foil and doesn’t get on your ice cream?  Now you do.  No more freezer burn. Mmmmmm.  Just in time for summer.


3 thoughts on “Three Thoughts

    1. Totally fond out by accident when the top of the ice cream was ripped accidentally, 🙂

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