All Aboard!

All Aboard!

“All aboard!”  It’s the Kleenex Box Express (and you were just going to put them in the recycle bin). It’s winter time.  Don’t you have a box of tissue in every room of your house? Even if you don’t, you could buy three or four boxes of Kleenex, save the tissues and make a train for under five dollars.  Gather your Beanie Babies, Barbies, Polly Pockets, Strawberry Shortcakes, Transformers and Rescue Heros. It’s time for a ride on the train.

You can make a train in no time flat, but you know, if your kids are helping, it may take LONGER than you thought (but in a good way).

What you need:

  • Tissue boxes
  • Package of button magnets
  • Paint
  • Kerr mason jar lids or any other “wheel” type objects around your home.
  • Glue gun

Paint your boxes.  With the glue gun, glue three magnets on the back of the front car.  The middle car needs magnets on both the front and the back.  Make sure the magnets line up to one another on each car.  If they are not attracted to each other, your train won’t work.  The end car only needs magnets on the front but you could put three magnets on each car so they could be mixed around or you could add more trains later.

Next, glue wheels on each car of the train. They could be mason jar lids, milk lids, juice lids, or cardboard/cereal box cutouts.  Glue them on above the bottom of the box so they don’t drag on the floor

I tried the train with fewer than three magnets.  It works much better and can pull more weight with three.

You could use this train as a theme for a safari birthday party, circus party, or zoo party.  It would even be a fun Valentine box!


2 thoughts on “All Aboard!

  1. What a fun web site, I can’t wait to share it with my daughter and daughter in law!! Thanks for all the fun ideas and recipes. Cynthia

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