Age Spot Prevention. Yes Please.

Age Spot Prevention. Yes Please.

I took the  above picture on my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary.  My mother wanted to duplicate the photograph of the pose taken on their wedding day.  Not too bad-looking for people in their seventies. But despite my mother’s graceful aging, she was stopped by a cashier (older than she) to tell her how to prevent age spots.  (Thank you?)  Her secret….sunblock.  Every time this women put SPF daily moisturizer on her face, she would put some it on the back of her hands.  It makes sense. We rarely protect our hands and they are always exposed to the elements. If you have started getting age spots, maybe you could stop them in their tracks.  For very little effort, it’s worth a shot.  Maybe later on in your life, a cashier in the store WON’T stop to give you age spot advice….Maybe she’ll ask you how you kept your hands so young-looking.  Let us know in twenty years!

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